Tuesday, February 11, 2020

Record-keeping for SR&ED

A year ago, I commented at https://gordon-feil-sred.blogspot.com/2019/01/building-your-sr-claim.html on what it is that CRA wants to see in an SRED claim. Part of the post was about records to be kept. The current post is to clarify the issue of records. CRA doesn't think there is the requisite systematic investigation if records are deficient. They want to see the work documented: what was done and what it cost. Here are some things to keep in mind:

1. The documents are to be contemporaneous with the work. This means they are docs that were created in conjunction with the work, not afterward. They want the documents dated and specifically related to the work performed. They would like them signed also, but I recognize that many records are electronic. If you can affix an electronic signature or initials when you create the document, that would be good.

2. CRA provides the following list of documents that would be useful in establishing what work was done:

Project planning documents

Records of resources allocated to the project, timesheets

Design of experiments

Design documents, computer-aided design (CAD) and technical drawings

Project records, laboratory notebooks

Design, system architecture, and source code (software development)

Records of trial runs

Project progress reports

Minutes of project meetings

Test protocols, test data, test results

Analysis of test results, conclusions

Final project report or professional publications

Photographs and videos

Prototypes, samples

Scrap, scrap records



3. In addition, it is important to keep time records to establish how much labor was spent on each SRED project.

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